CLX Logistics is proud to offer our clients the easiest exception portal in the industry. As partners in success to every client we serve, we are extremely diligent about preventing overcharges, duplicate or delayed payments and incorrect freight accruals from compromising your bottom line when it comes to freight auditing.
The dedicated team at CLX Logistics combines our industry know-how with advanced technology to ensure our freight audit services and payment processes achieve one goal: reducing your costs. From exception management resources that improve the timeliness of invoice payments to freight audit functionality that reduces incidences of overpayment, we eliminate the frustration and undue expense of payment processing with seamless freight pay management.
Clients can rest assured that CLX’s freight audit capabilities are among the best in the industry, leading to reduced unnecessary accessorial charges and more timely payment, meaning better relationships with carriers. Trust CLX’s freight audit services to decrease unnecessary labor and improve visibility throughout the entire settlement process.
Benefits of Our Freight Audit Services & Payment
- Reduced accessorial charges and surcharges
- Timely payment and improved carrier relationships
- Reduced freight costs from overcharges
- Reduced labor expenses
- Elimination of payment errors
- Accurate freight accruals and allocations
- Improved visibility throughout the entire settlement process
- Flexibility to view shipping data across many dimensions and rollups
- Timely reporting down to individual transactional freight charge details
- Efficient and eco-friendly paperless system
Our Freight Payment at a Glance
- Processes over 375,000 invoices annually
- Processes over $325 million in freight invoices annually
- Industry-leading exception invoice percentage
The Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements 16 (SSAE 16) is a regulation created by the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) for redefining and updating the way service companies report on compliance controls.